3 Ways to Help You and Your Dog Sleep

Contributing Author – Krista Harper (08-29-2019)

There is a reason why your dog may be your best friend. Dogs are a highly social animal much like humans and they have similar fears and anxieties that influence their sleep habits. So, while you struggle to fall asleep at night or notice your dog pacing and wandering the house at all hours, there may be an underlying issue causing restless sleep.

But, fear not, here are three ways to help you and your dog sleep better at night.

Go for a walk before bed

You likely understand the benefit of wearing your dog out before going to bed. The nightly walk is a ritual in many households. This is because your dog likely has a lot of pent up energy, especially if your pet is stuck in a house all day while you’re at work. Well, an evening of exercise plays a much bigger role to improve sleep than just tuckering the two of you out. Exercise provides several key benefits to induce sleep. For example, endorphins released during exercise provide energy, but they also provide a positive disposition and help to reduce stress and anxiety which are culprits when it comes to insomnia. It is also suggested that your body’s temperature increase during exercise and decrease directly after aid in telling your body it is time to sleep.

Let your dog sleep in your bed

People and dogs are both social creatures and we have a fundamental need to be touched and feel the comfort of another. Touch, as in cuddling, helps us and your dog feel secure, loved and comfortable. Add to that the warmth of cuddling with your pet and you’ll see why research has recently shown that sleeping with your dog, while it may not increase the time that you sleep, does impact the quality of your sleep. Of course, this comes with a few caveats such as keeping your dog’s tail out of your face and the morning wakeup call… at 5:00 in the morning.

Use a white noise machine

When trying to find better ways to sleep, white noise machines are often forgotten, or in many cases people don’t know they even exist. What a white noise machine does is blends the surrounding sounds so that all you hear is a soothing sound. So, those birds chirping, the sirens running down the street, and your neighbor talking outside your door, become less distracting. At night as you lay in bed, your mind will pick up on the subtlest of sounds which can often lead to sleep disruption. A white noise machine can do a great job of limiting those distractions for both you and your dog.

Sleep aids in managing your thoughts, emotions, memories, regulating chemicals and hormones in your body as well as repairs damage to your body. Getting adequate sleep – 7-plus hours each night – is important for you and your dog. Proper exercise, white noise, and of course cuddling can all play a role an important role in your nightly routine.

3 Tips for Reducing Anxiety in Your Pets

Contributing Author – Lisa Smalls (05-30-2019)

When people think of anxiety it is generally relegated to a mental health disorder that affects humans. However, anxiety in our pets may be just as common, if not more common than with their human counterparts.

What causes anxiety in your pet and the signs?

Understanding what has caused anxiety in your pet may not always be obvious. However, determining if your pet is experiencing symptoms of anxiety are likely easier to identify.

Generally, if your pet is not acting “normal” this is a good indication that something is wrong. For example, if you have a dog who frequently shakes or pants when you leave the home or is suddenly aggressive toward friends, family, and even yourself these are common signs of anxiety. There is no single sign that your pet is experiencing anxiety, however identifying a trigger that leads to uncommon behavior is a first step. After all, if your dog is suddenly destroying your house as you close the door to go to work there is something going on.

While the examples above are more profound, symptoms may be abnormal, but subtle. For example, seeking more comfort than normal, excessive licking or chewing, and even hiding to be alone are indicators that something may be wrong.

While a number of things can cause anxiety in your pet such as a new pet, a terrifying experience, an illness, or even a change in food, the most common source of anxiety is fear of separation.

Three ways to assuage your pet’s anxiety

Identifying that your pet is suffering from anxiety is the first step to helping relieve your best friend from whatever fears or concerns they have. When it comes to your pet, creating a safe and comfortable environment is important to assuage their anxiety. Stepping away from medicine, here are three ways to help reduce your pet’s anxiety naturally.

Sleep with your pet

Studies have shown that sleeping with your pet, especially your dog, helps to reduce anxiety in both the owner and the pup. Sleeping with your pet promotes feelings of safety which counteracts anxiety.

Cuddle and touch your pet

Most pets, such as cats and dogs, are social creatures. Like humans, they require fundamental emotional support. The basic need of touch such as rubbing your pet, playing with its tail, and gently patting it on the back are signs of affection. When your pet is experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it is important to show your pet that you love him or her and are not going anywhere. Your pet needs to be reassured that whatever has affected a sudden fit of anxiety does not change your relationship.

Try pheromones

Pheromones are a natural chemical that animals release to affect the behavior and physiology of other animals in its species. For example, when a dog is nursing, she will release a calming pheromone which causes her pups to lay down and relax. Synthetic pheromones are produced for both cats and dogs to aid in calming behavior when suffering from anxiety.

Our pets are our best friends and much like the pain we feel when under stress or anxiety their fears are real. While some pets may subtly hide away, others lash out not understanding why they are so distressed. These comforting techniques may create a comforting environment to help soothe your pet’s anxiety.