Don’t forget about our Meet and Greet this Sunday June 5th at the Petco in Tiffany Plaza from 11am-3pm.
Petco at Tiffany Plaza 7400 E Hampden Ave
Denver, CO 80231
(Click to enlarge)
Our yard sale was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came out and shopped, donated items and worked their backsides off to unbox all this!
To the guy who stole 2 very expensive oil paintings ……..karma will catch up to you one day. I wonder if your mother would be proud of you knowing you steal from charities.
What a great smelling fundraiser. =)
Log into Yankee Candle Fundraising to help the doxies, You will see start shopping Group # Enter 990096172. You do not have to have a seller ID. Click on start shopping and have fun!