Ali, George, & Laila Fighting for their lives!



On 6/9/15 we received a litter of puppies from out of state. Ali and George are trying to win the toughest fight in their lives. Fighting to live and survive with Parvo! Please help us help them! We have over 5000 followers. A single dollar from each follower would treat them.

Today (6/11/15) Laila joins her brothers at the Emergency Care Center. She also has the parvo virus which is not a surprise. She will receive the best care also to give her a shot at life. This one simple careless act has now become devastating financially to DDRT. This time of year is very busy with dogs needing help. Our funds go out to help dogs as fast as they come in. As you can see in the photos the estimated cost for care for these three is on the low cost $4,796.86 to the high Lailaside of $11,275.06. At this point if the last two brothers become sick we can not pay for their care. Fate has decided for us that their lives become null because of money. We have raised $1000 for the boys but had to pay in full before the little girl could be admitted. We have always made the choice that every life matters. Unfortunately we only have so much money to be able to help them and even as amazing the center we use is no emergency clinic will extend credit for care. At this moment I am crushed and deflated. I just do not see any light at the end of the tunnel for this little family. How can we say no to the care of the remaining brothers when they also exhibit signs of this terrible virus. frown emoticon

Ali, George, and Laila are fighting for their lives today after having arrived to us on 6/9/15 with Parvo. There are 5 pups in this litter, the odds are against the other two not having Parvo and the costs are high to treat this disease. Please help us do all we can do to give these pups a chance at a life and love of a family of their own. Something they have yet to experience in their young lives. Please help us help them!

Please share our fundraiser if you can not donate.

You can donate through our website HERE.

You can also donate directly to the animal care center where the 3 puppies are being treated.

Animal Emergency & Specialty Center 720-842-5050.


Laila_Bill George_Bill Ali_Bill

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